- By: Bob Weeks
- Buddy: Suzanne
- Photography by: Bob Weeks
- Date: May 18, 1994
- Dive No: 859
- Location: “Coral Gardens”, Vanua Levu, Fiji
- Depth: 45 ft
- Visibility: 60 ft
- Conditions: Scattered clouds, rough seas.
First day of sun and we will be diving a Garden: this is the moment. As I prepare for the day's diving, I put the small clam shell in my bathing suit pocket.
As we suit up for the second dive of the day, I again check to make sure the clam shell is secure and not crushed by the weight belt. Suzanne, the dive master and I descend to the bottom of coral rubble and scattered coral heads. We start to roam between the coral heads.
As I find one subject to photograph, my buddy is off to find another. After initially looking very barren, we start to find a menagerie of nudibranchs, sponges and small fish. There is a rainbow of
soft corals: pink, yellow, red and purple.
We find a "smiling" scallop with bright blue lips embedded in hard coral.
We find another coral head with a school of 8 to 10 fire fish.
About 45 minutes into the dive, I motion to Suzanne to come over. I hand her the shell and she gives me a look of "what am I supposed to do with this."
Then as the shell opens slightly and the sun glistens off the gold and diamond she begins to understand.
With wide-eyed amazement and joy she opens it the rest of the way and pulls out the ring.
After I put the ring on her finger, I sign "I Love You."
We finish the dive hand in hand.
We finish the dive hand in hand.